Hello! Hvordan går det? this week I’m challenging myself to do 5 exercises each weekday to build up strength and tone up. I’m calling it 5 at 6 – indicating you can do the 5 moves I share around 6pm (or when you’re made with your day) or 6am the next morning.
I’ll be posting them on Instagram too so check it out before you put on your PJs and get lazy for the day (like I do – once I’m comfy, I’m not moving).
MY most current VIDEOS
Maraton treningsdag 4
Marathon training Journal day 4 check in
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American Dirt Book Review
Yesterday I hung out with my fam and had dinner over there. I absolutely attacked my mom’s avocado stash. Kjærlighet. and Matt and I did a “pickles cheers!” også.
This morning I set out for an easy shake-out run. I didn’t want to push it because I want to do a tempo run tomorrow. But, I kept having the most awkward interactions.
Two different times I was running along when a group of girls got on the path just a little bit in front of me going to exact same pace. So it was kinda like I was on their ass, except I was just staying at the same pace. I didn’t want to go faster or slower so I kinda hung back until I made a decision to try another route – and it happened again. Jaja.
I had a banana and almond butter while making breakfast.
So, I topped my oatmeal with powdered PB considering that I was very liberal with my spoon into the almond butter jar. Sure, I could have skipped nutty goodness on my oats all together, but what’s the point of living if I do that?
5 minutes of exercise
I really need to start doing a lot more strength work again. I got the idea to just start with 5 minutes each day. I’m going to share 5 moves I’ll be doing Monday through Thursday on Instagram.
Today I’m calling it “5 at 6” considering that I’ll be doing it around 6am or pm depending on the day – you can do them when you get off work or school or the following morning along with your workout. I must be able to squeeze in 5 minutes of moves – no excuses!
Sure you can repeat these a lot more than once, but for ideal now I only have 5 minutes so I’m only doing them once. baby steps baby
Question: Can you fit in 5 minutes of abs today?
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